Saturday, March 21, 2009

Safe Arrival in Casper, Wyoming

Hi all,

Typing this after another long day of driving.

We arrived at St. Stephen's in Casper, Wyoming to a gracious welcome and a great evening meal of chili and dessert!

The folks here are most generous and we are also treated to a morning breakfast and will join the parish for 10 am service (our gang is doing the readings, crucifer, prayers and closing song).

Here is a little blurb that I wrote earlier today:

"I type this for the blog as I am burning CD’s of our photos for the slideshow creators- we are driving north on I-25 and are just south of Denver.
We had a great lunch of tuna and chicken pitas and wraps, and of course, Oreos!
Our contact person in Casper, Temple, just phoned us that they are very excited to be hosting us for tonight, feeding us, and to have us worship with them tomorrow at the morning service at St. Stephen’s (Temple has also been following our blog and has written a comment on the site). We have been certainly been overwhelmed with the gracious reception we have received from everyone we have met on this journey. We do sense the prayers, from family and friends at home but also with all the new friends we have met on the way, that have told us that they are praying for us too: these prayers have surrounded us with an almost physically-sensed grace.

Our work supervisor, Mike, at McCurdy School relayed a message to us from one of the other staff that we were the best working team he believes they have had at the school- quite a complement!! Yesterday, Dan, the school superintendent and Mike both said, in presenting our volunteer appreciation certificate, that our team were indeed an exceptional group of young people that have worked extremely hard and that they did not have a single difficult incident with our youth team (it sounds as though that there have been a few issues with summer youth teams before!).
All in all, the youth have all worked, played and travelled hard these past 9 days together. I would be quite happy to take this group anywhere, anytime- we found “our groove” early together and each experience we have together confirms that this trip was somehow divinely meant to be."


  1. It has been great going on this trip vicariously. With the blog,I really feel that I have been there with you in more than my prayers. You must all be very tired,but satisfied with a job well done. Thank you,leaders, for making it possible. Drive carefully and we'll see you in a couple of days. Jennifer

  2. So very honored to have been able to follow along with such a fantastic group of young adults and leaders.
    Safe trip home. Love and prayers from Grandma Ralph in Revelstoke.

  3. God speed and safe travels to all. Luke, the weather is finally springlike and all the snow has melted, now the garden is ready for digging! Just kidding. See you tomorrow night.

    -love Luke's Dad, Mom and family

  4. Your next-to-last day. The reports have been terrific, encouraging to read and to know what a great group you've been. Perhaps it's not so very surprising, knowing the kind of young people you are. You've been in good hands: thank you to Trudy, Lisa, Lee and Dan. I know your leadership has contributed enormously to the success of this enterprise.

    And now a big, big thank you to our very generous sponsors, whoever you may be. Your generosity has made possible an unforgettable experience that will affect lives for many years to come. Surely you have followed the progress of the group, and we hope you are gratified by the results. God bless you and thanks again.

    Jennifer and Ron

  5. Ok...into the home stretch and we can't wait to have you home! Travel safely and enjoy the lovely gift of anticipating being home with those who miss you terribly. Open arms are waiting. You are indeed remarkable young people and exceptional adults. God's blessings you are... each one of you.
    Louise P. (duncan's mom and the dean...)

  6. The Queen of Cache Creek is sorry to see this interesting blog come to an end. But what wonderful memories and stories you will have to tell when you are in your rocking chairs. I'm being flippant. You have set a wonderful example for all of us. Blessings on you all and I pray you all arrive home safely. Enjoy all of God's eye candy along the way. Karyn

  7. Enjoy the last day of what has been an amazing journey and adventure. My prayers continue to be with you all as you reach the final stretch of what I'm sure has been a life changing experience.
    I can't way to hear your stories; you are all amazing!!

