Thursday, March 19, 2009

Quick Update

Hi all those following the blog-
We had a very full day yesterday and today promises to be another full one.
We are working only until lunch today and then travelling to Bandelier National Monument (cliff dwellings) and then to downtown Santa Fe to take in the sites and have dinner together.
We didn't blog last night because we ended the night with a sharing session about our experience at the half-way point that lasted until we couldn't stay awake any longer.
I appreciate the comments about getting more of the youth to comment on the blog- and I am trying! We are often pretty wiped out by the end of the day- so I will try a new way today and see if some can journal on the blog site here during the van ride today.


  1. hey!
    what a neat way to share your experience. hope you are all doing well and that you enjoy your dinner and visit to santa fe today.
    hugs to those we know!
    andy, tj, vince, luey and pepper!!

  2. Hi Everyone: It is great to hear about your travels and time together. Hope all is well, thinking about all of you. Safe travel and prayers coming your way,
    love Nancy (Evan's mum)Just back from cold but sunny Saskatchewan.

  3. Hi all
    I have been following your experiences every day with interest. It sounds like you are getting a well deserved rest today to go and enjoy some sights. Enjoy!
    Be safe.
    Marge (friend of Trudy)
    PS. This is the first morning on my walk to work that the ground hasn't been frozen. Maybe spring IS on it's way after all!

  4. Hey Hines Family and Friends. So great to follow your trip - sounds amazing! Justin will relate - he has done alot of digging also. Enjoy your time and can't wait to hear all about it when you get home. We will keep praying for health and safety as you travel.
    Love Auntie

  5. Hi Dan and all,
    Great to keep in touch this way. Looks like you are haveing fun??? Bring back some of the heat with you. Our prayers are with you for a safe return with many stories.
    Prayers and Love.
    Dwight and Islay

  6. It is great to hear your news and that the trip is going well. New experience for us - blogging! Certainly a good way to keep in touch. Safe travels and know that you are in the prayers of your St. Paul's family.
    Elaine & Roger Parkes

  7. I love all the digging photos. I think this will make it much easier on parents to get their teens to clean out the dishwasher or clean their rooms when they get home. We'll always be able to bargain with "well if you don't want to clean your room, why not go in the yard and dig irrigation trenches?"
    Take care. Love Kelly

  8. Looks like a lot of hard work going on down there-you will make a difference in many lives!! Way to go all of you!! I really enjoy seeing what you guys are up to and I also enjoy reading the comments others post. Your efforts touch many at home as well it seems! Kelly's comments make me laugh- right on! I can't wait to threaten Sarah with ditch digging jobs when she gets home. Might just increase her productivity!?! Michelle

  9. Hi there,
    Hope Sante Fe was full of great art and great food!
    silver, turquoise and salsa!
    Enjoy all of it...
    Happy St. Joseph day...perhaps some carpentry tomorrow huh, instead of digging ditches....I wonder who the patron saint of ditches/trenches would be? hmmm.....will look that up.
    sending big love
    Duncan's mom ...Louise

  10. Still great to hear from you. Wish I were there.
    In the interests of getting more blogs from the younger set, why not give them each a brief blog-break from work from time to time? Build in the time and you may get more input.


  11. Hello to one and all! I did attempt to post a blog this morning but must have got lost in cyberspace! Grandma's like myself are not terribly high techi! So impressed with the wonderful work you are doing - will have to have a word with Captain Dan-o - I wonder if retired great-grandmothers can be of any assistance?! Keep up the good work. My love and prayers are with you all. Grandma Ralph
