Sunday, March 15, 2009

Leaving Las Vegas- Viva Las Vegas!!

I am writing this as we approach the Hoover Dam and highway 93 to Flagstaff Arizona from Las Vegas.
I hope to catch up on the blog tonight in Flagstaff.
We had another very loooooooooooooooooong day of driving and arrived in Las Vegas late at 9:30 pm. Of course, that did not stop us from checking out the strip on a Saturday night- interesting folks!!!
We woke up and attended the Sunday service at Christ Church- the lovely southwest architecture church that has hosted us- it has a lovely fountain and open courtyard where several people slept outside under the stars- the weather is very warm- in the 20's and sunny and we are enjoying everything except this slow line of cars approaching the Hoover Dam crossing!!! But our gang is playing a travel game so all is well.
Lisa is driving and I am typing like mad as the Nevada visitor's centre gives me some free internet for only 30 minutes....
will post some great photos tonight.
We are doing very well- the folks in Las Vegas were spectactular and warm and loving- a fellow slipped some money into my hand as we left and it was $500 US!!
Talk to you soon.


  1. Dan and group, sounds like you are having a wonderful trip!. WOW, that was truly an exceptional gift received in Las Vegas. Most people, I am sure, would see the city as known for taking rather than giving.
    The pictures are great and I am following your jorney each day. A continued safe and blessed trip. A very special big hug and love to Trudy.

  2. Hi folks,
    kept you in our prayers today at the Cathedral at both services. The Gospel story of the the cleansing of the temple in John today and you all being in Vegas had a sweet irony not lost on folks a chuckle....
    Hope "van fever" isn't too confining and that the desert reveals the holy for you....beautiful...
    lots of love and prayers,

  3. The Queen of Cache Creek is checking in, and being made happy as you are all safe and happy. We are heading that way tomorrow. You are in our prayers, for your own personal enlightenment and also the blessing of sharing your talents and strengths. Karyn
