Friday, March 13, 2009

Rockin' in Boise!

As I type this Chloe and Alexa are rocking-out to Guitar Hero at St. Michael's Cathedral in Boise, Idaho. Others are out playing frisbee and the adults are trying to see how soon we can go to bed!!
After we left Oliver this morning, we had a rather undramatic and smooth border crossing (all those notarized letters weren't even looked at!) and then started the loooooooong drive to Boise, Idaho- from 7:00 am until 8:30 pm- but we had a truly great day together- and saw some lovely countryside.
The gang found window paint at our grocery stop at Omak, Washington and painted up our vans with "Honk if you love Canada" and of course "New Mexico or Bust!"....

We stopped at a lovely park near the Oregon border on the Columbia River and had our picnic lunch on a warm afternoon- playing frisbee and goofing around at the playground- a well needed chance to stretch our legs..... We arrived in Boise to a wonderful reception- a youth group from the Boise cathedral and their youth director, Bill, met us and fed us pizza and snacks and made us feel very at home- its a nice facility with showers!!
The youth group that joined us for the overnight are going to Honduras in July for a working experience.

New friends with Samson, the trip mascot.....

Off to Las Vegas early in the morning.
Ben Laidlaw writes:
"Hey! Soooo it has been a few long days of driving. I think 11 hours today. It has been a good time, however, with many games played and cd's listened to. Just sayin' we are having a fantastic time, so do't you folks worry! :)"

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