Tuesday, March 24, 2009
The Trip is Over......
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Safe Arrival in Casper, Wyoming
Hi all,
Typing this after another long day of driving.
We arrived at St. Stephen's in Casper, Wyoming to a gracious welcome and a great evening meal of chili and dessert!The folks here are most generous and we are also treated to a morning breakfast and will join the parish for 10 am service (our gang is doing the readings, crucifer, prayers and closing song).
Here is a little blurb that I wrote earlier today:
"I type this for the blog as I am burning CD’s of our photos for the slideshow creators- we are driving north on I-25 and are just south of Denver.
We had a great lunch of tuna and chicken pitas and wraps, and of course, Oreos!
Our contact person in Casper, Temple, just phoned us that they are very excited to be hosting us for tonight, feeding us, and to have us worship with them tomorrow at the morning service at St. Stephen’s (Temple has also been following our blog and has written a comment on the site). We have been certainly been overwhelmed with the gracious reception we have received from everyone we have met on this journey. We do sense the prayers, from family and friends at home but also with all the new friends we have met on the way, that have told us that they are praying for us too: these prayers have surrounded us with an almost physically-sensed grace.
Our work supervisor, Mike, at McCurdy School relayed a message to us from one of the other staff that we were the best working team he believes they have had at the school- quite a complement!! Yesterday, Dan, the school superintendent and Mike both said, in presenting our volunteer appreciation certificate, that our team were indeed an exceptional group of young people that have worked extremely hard and that they did not have a single difficult incident with our youth team (it sounds as though that there have been a few issues with summer youth teams before!).
All in all, the youth have all worked, played and travelled hard these past 9 days together. I would be quite happy to take this group anywhere, anytime- we found “our groove” early together and each experience we have together confirms that this trip was somehow divinely meant to be."
Friday, March 20, 2009
Last Day at Espanola and Back in the Vans at 7:00 am for Casper!!
Friday afternoon after completing the last ditch!!
Hi there, folks, this is Lee writing.
I have been deeply affected by our experience here. Several of the McCurdy students have expressed both surprise and appreciation that our young folks have “given up” their spring break to dig ditches. I think Luke expressed what we’re all feeling the best when he said, “I don’t feel like I’ve given up anything.” Indeed, the kids seemed to have come alive with the challenge we were given. Knowing that the maintenance of the irrigation ditches is critical to the school hanging on to its water rights made us all that much more determined to make a difference here. The result was an incredible feeling of satisfaction as we threw our last shovelful up and out of the ditch at 4:50 pm this afternoon. We were to only work until three, but there was no stopping us. Mike, our “boss”, had no idea what a terrific job we were capable of doing. He and others have told us that the ditches have never been in this great a shape. This work had to be done now as the flood gates are ready to be opened and only a team like ours were capable of taking on such a task. We are all ecstatic that we were able to do this for the school.
Today we led the chapel service, visited with the weavers and their looms in the art room and received a very sincere thank you, certificate of appreciation and a gift in a touching little ceremony at lunch. The grade four class invited us to their little neck of the woods as they had a song for us. It was beautiful. This sort of thing has been going on all week. The accolades continue to shower down on our twelve young people from Kamloops. They have earned the respect and admiration of everyone here. We have been told on several occasions by McCurdy staff that they have never had a more well behaved and diligent youth workgroup here. The students here at McCurdy have also thanked our kids and people passing by us in cars or on foot have expressed the same. What I’m trying to say is that we’ve made a mark here and McCurdy has made an indelible imprint on us as well. We have witnessed first hand what the love and care of a community can bring to fruition for their children. McCurdy is indeed “a light in the valley.”
I think we’re all feeling a little funky tonight, our last night here. The kids have all expressed one way or another how much they are looking forward to being with their families again in Kamloops; however, they are leaving behind their new friends, the old pueblos and the stunning mesas and that, I’m sure, is causing some ambivalent feelings.
Well I better sign off and stop hogging the blog. I will just say in closing that I am very proud of our youth, and it is an honour to be travelling in their company. I’d go anywhere with them.
Love and warm regards to all,
Friday morning and two new blog entries!
From Chloe: Well well well, it’s our last morning/day here and I’m both excited and sad. I’m looking forward to finishing the ditch (hopefully) and to start our long journey home. I’m sad to leave the beautiful weather and have to leave this place behind. Along this whole trip, I have had a great time meeting new people and I feel exceptionally fortunate to have spent here. There are a few spots where we have stopped that I have always wanted to visit. For instance, the Grand Canyon, Route 66 and then yesterday we visited Bandelier. It was amazing!! Since having taken Comparative Civilisation and studying the Aztecs, Incas and Maya, I have acquired interest for civilisations that have disappeared. All in all, this trip has been amazing and I would do it again in a heart beat. No regrets!
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Dias numero tres
Quick Update
We had a very full day yesterday and today promises to be another full one.
We are working only until lunch today and then travelling to Bandelier National Monument (cliff dwellings) and then to downtown Santa Fe to take in the sites and have dinner together.
We didn't blog last night because we ended the night with a sharing session about our experience at the half-way point that lasted until we couldn't stay awake any longer.
I appreciate the comments about getting more of the youth to comment on the blog- and I am trying! We are often pretty wiped out by the end of the day- so I will try a new way today and see if some can journal on the blog site here during the van ride today.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Working Day Numero Uno! AKA Camp Green Lake
Monday, March 16, 2009
We arrived in Espanola- tired but very happy to get a break from driving!!
We arrrived in Espanola about 10:30 pm local time from an early morning start- the back-track north to see the Grand Canyon meant that we would arrive later at McCurdy School than our original plan. The weather is again spectacular and everyone is still in a good mood!
Here is the group last night out for a Mexican dinner in Flagstaff- very yummy stuff.
And some of the gang at the South Rim of the Grand Canyon- it is really breath taking and worth the trip for all of us.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Flagstaff and A Delictable Mexican Feast!!
Leaving Las Vegas- Viva Las Vegas!!
I hope to catch up on the blog tonight in Flagstaff.
We had another very loooooooooooooooooong day of driving and arrived in Las Vegas late at 9:30 pm. Of course, that did not stop us from checking out the strip on a Saturday night- interesting folks!!!
We woke up and attended the Sunday service at Christ Church- the lovely southwest architecture church that has hosted us- it has a lovely fountain and open courtyard where several people slept outside under the stars- the weather is very warm- in the 20's and sunny and we are enjoying everything except this slow line of cars approaching the Hoover Dam crossing!!! But our gang is playing a travel game so all is well.
Lisa is driving and I am typing like mad as the Nevada visitor's centre gives me some free internet for only 30 minutes....
will post some great photos tonight.
We are doing very well- the folks in Las Vegas were spectactular and warm and loving- a fellow slipped some money into my hand as we left and it was $500 US!!
Talk to you soon.
Friday, March 13, 2009
Rockin' in Boise!
After we left Oliver this morning, we had a rather undramatic and smooth border crossing (all those notarized letters weren't even looked at!) and then started the loooooooong drive to Boise, Idaho- from 7:00 am until 8:30 pm- but we had a truly great day together- and saw some lovely countryside.
The gang found window paint at our grocery stop at Omak, Washington and painted up our vans with "Honk if you love Canada" and of course "New Mexico or Bust!"....
We stopped at a lovely park near the Oregon border on the Columbia River and had our picnic lunch on a warm afternoon- playing frisbee and goofing around at the playground- a well needed chance to stretch our legs..... We arrived in Boise to a wonderful reception- a youth group from the Boise cathedral and their youth director, Bill, met us and fed us pizza and snacks and made us feel very at home- its a nice facility with showers!!
The youth group that joined us for the overnight are going to Honduras in July for a working experience.
New friends with Samson, the trip mascot.....
Off to Las Vegas early in the morning.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
We made it to St. Edward's Church, Oliver BC
Here is the interior of St. Edward's Anglican Church, Oliver, BC. It is a lovely space that has been newly renovated. The rector, Patrick Reid, kindly met us here tonight, got us organized and trusted us with the keys and building (we are responsible....well......). The van rides were our first introduction to the music brought by the group.
After a frisbee game in the dark, the group has settled into drinking tea, playing games and journaling.
Sarah Reith is our first youth blogger- she writes:
"It was an interesting ride to get to Oliver, filled with the sharing of food, trail mix and such, and listening to some different types of music, some to calm at the beginning and some to pump us up when some of us got a little drowsy. (The gravol is my excuse...I might have dozed off awhile..). Laughter was shared by all, with car games and trying to guess middle names (I'm not sure why, but well..) All in all, today was a great start to what is sure to be a wonderful, eye-opening experience. :) "
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Our Travel Itinerary (where we will be sleeping!)
Friday, March 13 Boise, Idaho St, Michael’s Cathedral, Boise, Idaho
Saturday, March 14 Las Vegas, Nevada Christ Church Cathedral, Las Vegas, Nevada
Sunday, March 15 Flagstaff, Arizona Church of the Epipany, Flagstaff, Arizona
Monday, March 16 Espanola, New Mexico McCurdy School
Tuesday, March 17 Espanola, New Mexico McCurdy School
Wednesday, March18 Espanola, New Mexico McCurdy School
Thursday, March 19 Espanola, New Mexico McCurdy School
Friday, March 20 Espanola, New Mexico McCurdy School
Saturday, March 21 Casper, Wyoming St. Stephen’s, Casper, Wyoming
Sunday, March 22 Missoula, Montana Holy Spirit Parish, Missoula, Montana
Monday, March 23 Home!